Ottawa’s experienced Moms share what they think you should know!

Mom in teal dress on plaid blanket with infant holding Christmas balls wearing blue hoodie with bear ears

I can’t take credit for today’s post because I asked for advice from experienced Moms in Ottawa.  This blog is dedicated to the things that they feel you should know during pregnancy and before welcoming your first baby!

  • A common misconception is that you shouldn't lift anything heavy during pregnancy. So, I didn't lift any weights or do strength training workouts until I was pregnant with my third. But strength training and doing low-impact pregnancy-safe workouts helped with the pregnancy aches and pains and prepared my body for birth. I was able to walk and walk and walk to get labour to progress, and it was my best (and fastest) labour and delivery. So, I highly recommend being active during pregnancy!
    -S. Mom of 3 

  • If you’re looking for a Midwife, call RIGHT away. They book up super-fast and it’s really hard to get in! I’m an expecting mom due in 8 days and I was on 5 waiting lists for a Midwife, and I started calling around the 7-week pregnant mark congrats
    -C. Mom of 1 

  • You deserve rest -N, mom of 2 

  • Trust your instincts/gut. They will guide you better than most give you credit for!! -A. Mom of 3 

  • It is okay to feel overwhelmed or uncertain right now, it is so normal, but it gets easier. Take advice as a suggestion only because what is right for one isn’t right for another. You are a Mom now, and you will figure out what is right for you and your baby, and it is okay if it isn’t what someone else chose for theirs. Have confidence in yourself because you will be amazing, even if it is all a bit scary right now. - A. Mom of 4 

  • Hire a Doula! They support both you and your partner, ensuring you can both focus on what’s most important. -N. Mom of 2 

  • Get infant Tylenol, gas drops, and a nose sucker while you're still pregnant. You don't want to be running to the store when you need them -M. mom of 3 

  • Probiotic drops are a lifesaver for spit up and gassy babies! -S. Mom of 1 

  • Waiting until the first trimester is over to tell people you’re expecting is outdated advice. Tell the people you love - they’re the people who will be there for you no matter what happens with the pregnancy and beyond. -C. mom of 2 

  • You will regularly question whether or not you are a good parent. Doing so means that you are. -M. Mom of 2 

  • Parent the way you feel is best for your child, not the ways others tell you that you should. Even the well-meaning! Trust those newly formed but very trustworthy instincts. -A. Mom of 1  

  • Sleep wherever baby sleeps. Ignore messes at all costs. -J Mom of 1.5 

  • Communicate with your partner what your needs are. Constantly remind each other that you are a team and let your actions show that. -J. Mom of 1 

  • You don't have to do everything perfectly to succeed at parenting. Take a prenatal class, read a book, hire a Doula - the more you know the more you can relax and enjoy when deciding what works for your family. Love yourself relentlessly and remember that you are still you in this transformation of parenthood. -M. Mom of 2 

  • My best piece of advice is do not let anyone tell you what is best for you, your baby, or your family. If breastfeeding is wearing you thin, don’t do it. If sleeping with your baby is what you want to do, do it! -M. Mom of 2 

  • It’s really hard, be kind to yourself. When things feel impossibly difficult and exhausting, and you feel like you’re failing, know that, yes, it’s that hard for everyone, you’re not failing, you’re not alone. Everyone finds it hard. So just be kind to yourself. -J. Mom of 2 

  • It's okay to set boundaries with people, especially after birth. Nobody NEEDS access to your newborn until you give the okay. You need time to adjust to this new routine and heal, and if that means saying 'No,’ then say it. Don't make yourself uncomfortable to accommodate someone else. -C. Mom of 4 (2 sets of twins!)

  •  Love the baby and keep her/him safe. Nothing else matters. -L. Mom of 2 

  • If you’re at a hard stage, remember ‘this too shall pass.’ -S Mom of 4 

  • Hugs fix everything. If they are breaking down. Hug them. If they are hitting and screaming, bear hug them until their breathing matches yours. If they are happy, hug them. Mine are all teens and older. Hugs work. -J, Mom of 3 

  • Everyone makes mistakes, and that’s ok. Be easy on yourself. -D. Mom of 4


Do you have advice you want to share with soon-to-be moms? Share it in the comments or join the conversation by joining us in the Pregnant in Ottawa Facebook Group



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